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McLoughlin Gardens in 2022
Christine Dickinson gave the following president’s report for 2022 at the Annual General Meeting on January 12, 2023:
I would like to acknowledge that we live, work and play, and that the McLoughlin Garden Society operates, on the traditional and unceded territories of the K’ómoks First Nation and other Coast Salish and Kwakwaka’wakw peoples.
The McLoughlin Gardens Society is now six years old, and each year has seen steady progress towards establishing ourselves and our work as part of the arts and cultural landscape of the Comox Valley, and, indeed, the Island and the Province. Both the gardens and our programs are becoming more widely known and supported.
This past summer, we were most fortunate to be able to host two accomplished Canadian writers, both Governor General's Award winners. Don McKay, a well-known poet from Newfoundland, was in residence in the last part of June and the beginning of July. At a reading attended by 55 people at the Comox Valley Art Gallery, he was engaging and interacted freely with his audience, who were captivated. In the audience were several listeners who were new to poetry readings but who left resolved to seek out more opportunities. McKay also engaged with local poets for an afternoon spent in conversation and shared readings.
Darrel J. McLeod, a Cree writer and the author of two celebrated memoirs, was in residence for five weeks in August. Darrel gave a reading and offered two very well-attended workshops on memoir writing.
From January to April, Jeanette Taylor and Margo McLoughlin offered a successful series of workshops entitled Supercharge Your Writing Project. These workshops were offered via Zoom and attracted participants from outside our area.
In 2022 we were able to resume our partnership with Comox Valley Art Gallery. In artist Rita McKeogh was hosted at the cottage during her residency at the Art Gallery. In June, environmental artist Marlene Creates was at the cottage for three weeks, overlapping her time there with her partner Don McKay. Marlene offered a unique opportunity for 17 participants in the form of a poetry walk at the Gardens.
Once again, the Gardens offered Studio Residencies to Vancouver Island writers and artists. Applicants to this program are required to submit samples or images of their work and the selection process was juried. Reports submitted by residents will be published on our website shortly. This program offers emergent and lesser-known artists an opportunity to experience a residency and contemplative time for creativity, and it continues to grow in popularity. It is already a permanent fixture on our calendar.
We were also very happy to welcome back Vancouver playwright Marcus Youssef for two weeks.
This year we received our first grant from the BC Arts Council, which has allowed us to fund residencies, giving the Society some financial stability. It has become abundantly clear, however, that in order to sustain our work, supporting multiple programs developing valuable partnerships, preserving the gardens and maintaining the cottage, we need to consider hiring an Executive Director. Currently, this position is filled by Margo McLoughlin, who has carried out her duties largely on a volunteer basis, supported by a working board. This is not a sustainable situation, and we are hopeful that we will shortly receive a grant which will allow this to happen.
This year Peninsula Coop provided a third grant, and their generosity allowed us to complete the process of replacing the decks at the cottage and upgrading the studio with the assistance of volunteer Ian Holm and board member Tom King, and we are sincerely grateful for their support.
The Board is also grateful for the work of our team of volunteers who work in the garden, offer their services for work on the cottage, and contribute their expertise to the Literary Programming Committee. A special thanks to Barry Godfrey, our Tasman Road neighbour, who walks through the property every day and keeps an eye on everything.
This past year Jesse Blades of Bear Hill Bookkeeping has also been part of our team, and he has helped us take some huge strides into the world of budgeting, contracts and the paper trail we need to operate in a business-like manner.
We are extremely grateful for the help given us by the Regional District. Their advice and assistance have been invaluable.
To our other partners:
Comox Valley Art Gallery, BC Arts Council, CVArts, Peninsula Co-op, and Comox Valley Writers Society, our thanks and appreciation for your encouragement and collaboration and for helping us to contribute to the cultural life of our community.
And to our sponsors
Pilon Tool Rentals, Vancouver Island Enterprises, Five Star Aggregate, Art Knapp and Courtenay Little Theatre - thank you.
We are so pleased and grateful that we have so many local supporters, and they are growing – your interest and support make all that we do possible.